CAPITAL NEWS | January 19, 2019 – The Somali community and Eastleigh Business Association have distanced themselves from terrorists who kill innocent people in the name of religion.
While condemning the 14 Riverside Drive attack that left 21 people dead, Kamukunji MP Yusuf Hassan joined by area residents said Somalis and Muslims are peaceful and do not advocate such killings.
Ali Salim Gichunge, the main planner earlier thought to have been killed, is among 11 suspects in police custody.
“He is in custody, there must have been confusion (that he had been killed) because his vehicle was at the scene,” detectives said.
The attack was staged by five terrorists and all died – one having blown himself up while four were shot dead.
Gichunge, who is also known as Farouk is from Isiolo and has rented the house in Ruaka that was raided by police soon after the attack.
He is in custody alongside his wife Violet Kemunto according to her birth certificate, but had an identity card with a different name.
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