Ministry of Posts, Telecom & Technology holds consultation meeting on the draft National Communications Act

Ministry of Posts, Telecom & Technology holds consultation meeting on the draft National Communications Act

Mogadishu – May 21, 2017 – The Ministry of Posts, Telecom and Technology held today in Mogadishu a consultation meeting on the “Draft Communication Law” as part of series of meetings aimed at increasing public participation in the draft law.

The conference, which was attended by more than 20 representatives from the ICT Working Group comprising of public and private sectors, discussed comments on the Draft Communication Law prepared earlier this month, which are now being reviewed by the State Attorney General.

The purpose of these consultative meetings is to create an enabling environment for the ICT Sector by establishing legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks and developing appropriate policies.

The Deputy Minister of Posts, Telecom and Technology, H. E. Ibrahim Yarow Isaq, who officially opened the meeting, said that the Ministry is now in the final stages of collecting the ideas and contributions of all stakeholders before the Draft Law is finalized and submitted for the approvals of the Cabinet and by the Parliament.

“It is the right time to have a regulation for the sector because we now agree that no business can survive without regulation. A regulated market is in the best interests of all,” concluded the Deputy Minister.

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Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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