Vague and Fuzzy Consultative Meeting Scheduled to Take place in Mogadishu

Vague and Fuzzy Consultative Meeting Scheduled to Take place in Mogadishu

Muqdisho | September 8, 2016 – Another national feasting and back slapping gathering among the leadership of Somalia and their international partners is set to commence tomorrow in Mogadishu. The details and agendas of this so called national consultative meeting is as vague and fuzzy as usual and will be made up as they go along. Since there is no clearly defined objectives or outcomes, after a few days of haggling amongst leaders with their self important international partners in posh and exclusive settings in the midst of poverty, insecurity, near daily car bombings, unresolved nightmare of forceful repatriation of refugees from Kenya, the viceroy of Somalia will surely hold a press conference and declare great progress has been made by Somalia.

A few last minute major decisions have been signed into law with minimal input. It appears there is a rush to dust up the facade before the IGAD heads of state summit in Mogadishu expected shortly. To be fair Somalia has made great progress from the time President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was inaugurated as president. The greatest achievement and effort has been made by the Somali people themselves. The rebuilding and resurrecting of state institutions and capacity has been a disappointment and leaves a lot to be desired. The caliber and competence of the top echelons of the offices of state leave a disappointment.

The state has not trickled down to extend it’s reach beyond the Federal or Regional capitals. Under the auspices of the much publicized New Deal for Somalia, a dispassionate audit will show reality does not match the aspirations. It is debatable how many goals of the new deals have been met and in the timelines envisaged.

To sum up it seems that the powers that be have resolved that they want the current political set up of the governance of Somalia to continue as it is. I am aware of of all the previous national consultative conferences held in various national fora, always the views and plans of the outside interests triumphed over Somalia’s overall interests.

I doubt whether this conference will be any different. I counsel therefore we swallow our pride and nurse our individual rages and let the process be and resolve collectively that come the next round of election we will make a difference. I am inclined to take that view by what is happening in the region. The regional States that have had a malign and retrogressive influence on Somalia are now caught in their own political death throes; the status quo will definitely not continue.

Somalia is on the upward trajectory and it is incumbent on all of us patriots to build on that glimmer of hope and practice patience. Long live Somalia. May Allah bless Somalia.




Source: Banadir Post




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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