
There is no life and hope without SECURITY, no mater how much money or personal Security you have!!!

Since the security of Mogadishu city was handed over to the Municipal Government was improving gradually and much better than before, also it creates more JOBS for more Police officers and more Traffic officers, because of every intersection you can see more Police and more Traffic police.

The Police was more professional, responsible than before and they are doing their work professionally, although most of them look very tire and rough, because of the long civil war that they live within without help.

The movement of the civilians is easier than before to do their daily business and people have more confidence to go everywhere they want, also the conjunction of the Roads is easier than before, because of the security checking is better than before.

These days you can see in the streets of Mogadishu Many Ladies are driving happily their private CARS  on the streets and also they are feeling more save than before, although many of them needed to improve their driving skills.

My conclusion, hopefully when all the streets in Mogadishu was constructed and repaired the movement of the Civilians will be much better than before and the connection from place to place will be easier than now.

Therefore I and many people are hopping the best to see more improvement everywhere in the city and would like to say to the Governor and his team there is long way to go, but never be tire to do the good job for the sake of the people and the City of Mogadishu.

Many of our Citizens remember that there is a time use to be Mogadishu the safest City in the World and many of us hopefully believe that the recognition of the City will come back in a matter of time whatever the cost is and also the position of the Diaspora people still needed to be filled.

at the end Somalia doesn’t need international help, therefore if we are honest and loyal to our Country we can do everything together.  




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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