

Do we understand how diplomatic immunity works? And what will be the consequence for the Humiliation and the Embarrassment our Diplomats have been through?

According to the International Law the people who represent on behalf of a STATE are untouchable unless he or she committed a crime in front of the public, but when it comes to Somali people never have rights or immunity, no matter whom they are? And this is a breach of trust between the two Governments by Law.

However it is unfortunate our politicians don’t know their rights and don’t know how to defend their diplomatic states, because of ignorance and language barrier and also the lack of experience.

And many people who are on the power seats believe that Somali people have no rights and it’s Ok to mistreat them, because of everyone of Somalis is a suspect of TERRORISM and most of the Airports the Somalis are separated from the other people without any valid reasons.

This is an Embarrassment to our Nation’s Dignity and Rights, but the question is who will defend the rights of our people or the sovereignty of the country, because the Kenyan Authorities have been showing that they have no respect what so ever and the recognition of our DIPLOMATS was recognized and that is very shameful to our STATE liberty.

My conclusion, I know that many of us are showing feeling of SADNESS and Embarrassment, therefore having bad luck, we don’t have the right hero’s to determine the possible means to deal with Government of Kenya and there is no excuse to disrespect or mistreat for our citizen where ever they are. The politicians must know what is right or wrong when it comes the violation of our sovereignty.

The government of Somalia must to demand to investigate the Matter and public APOLOGY from the Government of Kenya, if not our people will be the Victims of any circumstance at any time and the public will wait the result of the outcome when two Governments meet face to face.




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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