
By Ahmed Khalif | September 15, 2015 |  The Puntland President Abdiwali Gas once, in the run up to the Puntland presidency election, likened Puntland to “unlucky but beautiful bride who unfortunately always gives her hand to wretched drunkard old men who don’t deserve her marriage.” Mr. Gas said he meant by this, that none of the former presidents had honestly served or at least honored the expectations of the people of Puntland. If that is what Mr. Gas meant, then there is no time than now that this analogy could be more obvious. In his terminology, the poor Puntland ‘bride’ has become hopeless when she cast her lot with him. The unlucky ‘bride’ is, in his hand, at its worst state in every aspect – security, economy, politics, etc. since its inception seventeen years ago. This fits to the proverbial pot that called the kettle black.

More was expected from Mr. Gas due to his achievements in education (PhD in economics) than any of his predecessors. There is, in the Somalis specially the unschooled majority an anachronistic culture of disbelief and disrespect may be out of jealousy for both the educated and education. They often look askance at their schooled members. They don’t respect the education in the fields other than the religious ones; and they scorn the educated people for not performing better than themselves; a culture that was promoted by the military regime of dictator Siyad Brare. Unfortunately, Mr. Gas’s failure in governing or his underperforming of his predecessors encourages that atavistic culture by giving their claim more plausibility and thus increased the mistrust of majority nomads towards the educated minority.

Mr. Gas was elected with great anticipation that he will explore new ways to build and renovate the government system. However, like the proverbial mountain which went into long labor but finally gave birth to a mouse; he has been a disappointment.

Instead of revamping the dysfunctional government institutions or instituting new ones, he opted paradoxically for the traditional tribal system. He adopted the old governing way of Puntland which he purportedly despised: cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, anarchism and tribalism combined with no check and balance. He even reintroduced cabinet ministers of the Faroole administration; the reason of that is likely to be the obsequiousness of those ministers who were well tamed by Faroole. The love of sycophants is common trait of dictators; they like to be entertained and wheedled and they don’t like thinking. Moreover, they have morbid fear of both the solitude and the solicitude

Mr. Gas apparently took over the Puntland Palace from Faroole for himself, but not for the common good. He is the only new face in the palace full of Farole’s sobs. Gas’ character has changed from democratic candidate to dictatorial president. Thus, the question is: where is the change that Mr. G.G. (referencing Mr. SiSi of Egypt) had advocated during his presidential campaign?

Instead of exploring strategies to move Puntland forward as an academic and thinker, he likes to imitate the warlords and dictators insofar as walking and talking. He apparently sees himself as Siyad Bare especially when going abroad or returning. He likes to be escorted out or welcomed back by multitudes of dignitaries. Anybody who disregards this presidential right will be labeled as an enemy of the state and will be dealt accordingly.

Mr. Gas has failed to claim even a single positive achievement. Instead, he destroyed around 300 business stands and homes in Galkayo. He failed to build but succeeded to destroy. After he was embarrassed and harassed in Garowe by mutinied militias, as a result of the government’s failure to pay their salaries for months, he got frustrated, felt lonely in his palace, and was cast off by Garowe’s notables who were disenchanted with his government. He took pride in making town planning but was instrumental in destroying the Puntland part of the city of Galkayo, an unfortunate city which had witnessed the worst of the fighting between the USC and SSDF militias in 1991 and since then has become a divided city.

In the morning of 25th of August, 2015, without prior notice to the people to remove their items – (I, myself, witnessed this, please see the below picture ) – earth-moving heavy-duty machines went rumbling over the center of the city and its busiest markets, with Mr. Gas’s relative, and best friend (the guy who runs the show, by de fact President) giving the orders of sparing or destroying any building at whim.

There is only one thing that can be said, Mr. Gas has achieved albeit adversely he sacked all able bodies in his cabinet and surrounded himself with bunch of go-along-to-get-along people.

Before Gas Puntland might be likened to unlucky bride and mésalliance might exist between her and its presidents, but when he got elected as the president, the ‘unlucky bride’ has jumped from pan straight to hell fire. And the tale of Puntland resembles the proverbial frogs who desired a king from God, then repeatedly dissatisfied with the leadership selected for them, until finally they were cursed with Water Snake as king who ate them all. However, Mr. Gas is not only a punishment to Puntland but he is also a shame to educated and learned.

Puntlanders themselves, specifically political and tribal leaders, can’t be vindicated easily of their plight; Gas was their own choice of president for trivial reasons of tribal or individual interests; they, therefore deserve their leader as every people deserve their leader. “A wicked ship”, is said “deserves its evil sailors.”


Ahmed Khalif
Email: ahmedkhalif@yahoo.com




Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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