What would democracy look like in Somalia?

What would democracy look like in Somalia?

MPRNews | Minnesota | August 28, 2015 | A conversation with Abdi Aynte, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Somalia, about the future of his country.

Conversation highlights:

– Abdi Aynte used to work as a reporter here in Minnesota. This is a personal visit for him, not an official visit.

– “Somalia, today, is somewhat of a success story” said Aynte compared to other African countries, Syria, and others.

– “Somalia used to be the quintessential ‘failed’ state,” said Aynte. That’s no longer the case, he said.

– “I view myself more as a social entrepreneur” rather than as a politician said Aynte.


Xafiiska Wararka Qaranimo Online | Mogadishu, Somalia



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